Arq Backup

The Arq® Backup software for your Mac or Windows PC uses filesystem snapshot technology to allow point-in-time recovery of your files. Use Arq software to backup your files on IDrive® e2 storage.

Create Access Keys from the IDrive® e2 account and use them to establish a connection with Arq Backup.

  1. Click Access Keys.
  2. Click Create Access Key. Provide the name, select a region, assign permissions and buckets.
  3. Click Create Access Key. An Access Key ID and Secret Access Key will be generated.
  4. Download / copy and save the details of the access key.
  5. Go to your ArqMonitor (ARQ Console). Click New Backup Plan.
  6. Click Add Storage Location.
  7. Select S3-compatible server from the list.
  8. Provide the Access key ID, Secret Key, and storage endpoint URL, generated in IDrive® e2.
  9. Click Add Storage Location.
  10. In the Create Backup Plan window, enter the Destination URL where your backups should be stored. Ensure to use https while providing the destination URL.
  11. Click Continue.
  12. Set up your encryption password and click Continue.
  13. Select the required options and click Create Backup Plan.
  14. Click Back Up Now to start the backup.

Note: Data restoration is handled by your specific backup solution provider and is affected by multiple variables that are unique to your environment. For application-related enquiries/support, it is strongly recommended you seek guidance from the technical team of your backup solution provider.